


Company directors now personally liable for unpaid super

Company directors now personally liable for unpaid super

A new law combating employer non-compliance with the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) scheme means greater potential personal liability, including criminal charges, for Australian company directors.  Effective 1 April 2019, the Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No....

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How to respond to a liquidator’s unfair preference claim

How to respond to a liquidator’s unfair preference claim

Liquidators issue unfair preference claims to ensure the equal treatment of unsecured creditors. Unfair preference claims arise where an unsecured creditor has received payment from a debtor company which is subsequently placed into liquidation. Unfair preference...

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Don’t get stumped by partnership problems

Don’t get stumped by partnership problems

Setting up a business partnership is an effective way to ensure your great idea transforms into a viable business. But not having a written agreement can hit you for six if there are problems down the track.  What is a partnership agreement? Fundamentally, a...

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